Power of Attorney and Health Care – General – Colorado
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Section 15-14-201: A person becomes a guardian of a minor by appointment by a parent or guardian by will or written instrument or upon appointment by the court. The guardianship continues until terminated, without regard to the location of the guardian or minor ward.
Section 15-14-202: (1) A guardian may be appointed by will or other signed writing by a parent for any minor child the parent has or may have in the future. A guardian may also be appointed by will or other signed writing by a guardian of a minor child. The other signed writing shall be signed by the parent or guardian and at least two witnesses and all signatures shall be notarized. The appointment may specify the desired limitations on the powers to be given to the guardian. A guardian may not appoint a surviving parent who has no parental rights to be a successor guardian. The appointing parent or guardian may revoke or amend the appointment before confirmation by the court.
(2) Upon petition of an appointing parent or guardian and a finding that the appointing parent or guardian will likely become unable to care for the child within two years, and after notice as provided in section 15-14-205 (1), the court, before the appointment becomes effective, may confirm the selection of a guardian by a parent or guardian and terminate the rights of others to object. If the minor has attained twelve years of age, the minor must consent to the appointment of a guardian pursuant to section 15-14-203 (2).
(3) Subject to section 15-14-203, the appointment of a guardian becomes effective upon the death of the appointing parent or guardian, an adjudication that the parent or guardian is an incapacitated person, or a written determination by a physician who has examined the parent or guardian that the parent or guardian is no longer able to care for the child, whichever occurs first.
(4) The guardian becomes eligible to act upon the filing of an acceptance of appointment, which must be filed within thirty days after the guardian’s appointment becomes effective. The guardian shall:
(a) File the acceptance of appointment and a copy of the will with the court of the county in which the will was or could be probated or, in the case of another appointing instrument, file the acceptance of appointment and the appointing instrument with the court of the county in which the minor resides or is present; and
(b) Give written notice of the acceptance of appointment to the appointing parent or guardian, if living, the minor, if the minor has attained twelve years of age, and a person other than the parent or guardian having care and custody of the minor.
(5) Unless the appointment was previously confirmed by the court, the notice given under paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of this section must include a statement of the right of those notified to terminate the appointment by filing a written objection in the court as provided in section 15-14-203 (1) and of the right of a minor who has attained twelve years of age to refuse to consent to the appointment of the guardian as provided in section 15-14-203 (2).
(6) Unless the appointment was previously confirmed by the court, within thirty days after filing the notice and the appointing instrument, a guardian shall petition the court for confirmation of the appointment, giving notice in the manner provided in section 15-14-205(1).
(7) The appointment of a guardian by a parent does not supersede the parental rights of either parent. If both parents are dead or have been adjudged incapacitated persons, an appointment by the last parent who died or was adjudged incapacitated has priority. If a guardian survives the death or adjudication of incapacity of both parents, an appointment by the last parent or guardian who died or was adjudged incapacitated has priority. An appointment by a parent or guardian which is effected by filing the guardian’s acceptance under a will probated in the state of the testator’s domicile is effective in this state.
(8) The powers of a guardian who complies timely with the requirements of subsections (4) and (6) of this section relate back to give acts by the guardian which are of benefit to the minor and occurred on or after the date the appointment became effective the same effect as those that occurred after the filing of the acceptance of the appointment.
(9) The authority of a guardian appointed under this section terminates upon the first to occur of the appointment of a guardian by the court or the giving of written notice to the guardian of the filing of an objection pursuant to section 15-14-203 (1) or of the refusal of a minor child who has attained the age of twelve years to consent pursuant to section 15-14-203 (2).
Section 15-14-207: (1) Except as otherwise limited by the court, a guardian of a minor ward has the duties and responsibilities of a parent regarding the ward’s support, care, education, health, and welfare. A guardian shall act at all times in the ward’s best interest and exercise reasonable care, diligence, and prudence.
(2) A guardian shall:
(a) Become or remain personally acquainted with the ward and maintain sufficient contact with the ward to know of the ward’s capacities, limitations, needs, opportunities, and physical and mental health;
(b) Take reasonable care of the ward’s personal effects and bring a protective proceeding if necessary to protect other property of the ward;
(c) Expend money of the ward which has been received by the guardian for the ward’s current needs for support, care, education, health, and welfare;
(d) Conserve any excess money of the ward for the ward’s future needs, but if a conservator has been appointed for the estate of the ward, the guardian shall pay the money at least quarterly to the conservator to be conserved for the ward’s future needs;
(e) Report the condition of the ward and account for money and other assets in the guardian’s possession or subject to the guardian’s control, as ordered by the court on application of any person interested in the ward’s welfare or as required by court rule; and
(f) Inform the court of any change in the ward’s custodial dwelling or address.
Section 15-14-208: (1) Except as otherwise limited by the court, a guardian of a minor ward has the powers of a parent regarding the ward’s support, care, education, health, and welfare.
(2) A guardian may:
(a) Apply for and receive money for the support of the ward otherwise payable to the ward’s parent, guardian, or custodian under the terms of any statutory system of benefits or insurance or any private contract, devise, trust, conservatorship, or custodianship;
(b) If otherwise consistent with the terms of any order by a court of competent jurisdiction relating to custody of the ward, take custody of the ward and establish the ward’s place of custodial dwelling, but may only establish or move the ward’s custodial dwelling outside the state upon express authorization of the court;
(c) If a conservator for the estate of a ward has not been appointed with existing authority, commence a proceeding, including an administrative proceeding, or take other appropriate action to compel a person to support the ward or to pay money for the benefit of the ward;
(d) Consent to medical or other care, treatment, or service for the ward;
(e) Consent to the marriage of the ward; and
(f) If reasonable under all of the circumstances, delegate to the ward certain responsibilities for decisions affecting the ward’s well-being.
(3) The court may specifically authorize the guardian to consent to the adoption of the ward.
Section 15-14-209: (1) A guardian is entitled to reasonable compensation for services as guardian and to reimbursement for room and board provided by the guardian or one who is affiliated with the guardian, but only as approved by the court. If a conservator, other than the guardian or a person who is affiliated with the guardian, has been appointed for the estate of the ward, reasonable compensation and reimbursement to the guardian may be approved and paid by the conservator without order of the court.
Section 15-14-210: (2) A guardian need not use the guardian’s personal funds for the ward’s expenses. A guardian is not liable to a third person for acts of the ward solely by reason of the guardianship. A guardian is not liable for injury to the ward resulting from the negligence or act of a third person providing medical or other care, treatment, or service for the ward except to the extent that a parent would be liable under the circumstances.
(1) A guardianship of a minor terminates upon the minor’s death, adoption, emancipation, or attainment of majority or as ordered by the court.
(2) A ward or a person interested in the welfare of a ward may petition for any order that is in the best interest of the ward. The petitioner shall give notice of the hearing on the petition to the ward, if the ward has attained twelve years of age and is not the petitioner, the guardian, and any other person as ordered by the court.
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