Power of Attorney and Health Care – General – Florida
Related Florida Legal Forms
709.02 Power of appointment; method of release.
Powers of appointment over any property, real, personal, intangible or mixed, may be released, in whole or in part, by a written instrument signed by the donee or donees of such powers. Such written releases shall be signed in the presence of two witnesses but need not be sealed, acknowledged or recorded in order to be valid, nor shall it be necessary to the validity of such releases for spouses of married donees to join such donees in the execution of releases, in whole or part, of powers of appointment.
709.03 Power of appointment; property held in trust.
If property subject to a power of appointment is held in trust by a person, firm or corporation other than the donee or donees of the power, a written release, in whole or in part, of a power to appoint the same shall be delivered to such trustee or trustees before the written release becomes legally effective. In no other instance shall a delivery of a release, in whole or in part, of a power of appointment be necessary to the validity of such release.
709.04 Power of appointment; effect of release.
Any power of appointment wholly released by a written instrument signed by the donee or donees of such power shall be, in legal effect, completely revoked, and shall not, after such release, be subject to being exercised in any manner whatsoever. Any power of appointment partially released by a written instrument signed by the donee or donees of such power shall be, in legal effect, as to such released part, completely revoked, and shall not after such release be subject to being exercised in any manner whatsoever as to such released part.
709.05 Powers of appointment; validation of prior releases.
All releases, in whole or in part, of powers of appointment heretofore executed in a manner that conforms with the provisions of this law be and they are hereby validated and shall be given the same force and effect as if executed subsequently to the effective date of this law.
709.06 Powers of appointment included in law.
Powers of appointment referred to in this law shall include not only those recognized as such by general law but also those designated as such under the tax law of the United States.
709.07 Power of appointment; effect of release on title to property.
No such release, in whole or in part, of a power of appointment shall affect the title to property of any bona fide purchaser for value who does not have notice or knowledge of such release.
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