Power of Attorney and Health Care – General – Wyoming
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Statutory Reference
WYOMING STATUTES, §35-22-301 to 35-22-308
“Psychiatric advance directive” means an advance medical directive pertaining to the administration or refusal of psychiatric re-stabilization for the care and treatment of mental illness;Any adult who has the decisional capacity to provide informed consent to or refusal of psychiatric re-stabilization measures may execute a psychiatric advance directive. A psychiatric advance directive is valid for a period not to exceed two (2) years from the date of execution. If the directive is reaffirmed, it is valid for two (2) years from the date of reaffirmation.
The directive is executed by the individual.
A psychiatric advance directive may be revoked at any time by the person who is the subject of the directive unless he is mentally incompetent. It may be revoked at any time by a person who is authorized to consent to or refuse psychiatric restabilization measures on behalf of the person who is the subject of the directive.
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